Deliciously cold mornings, warm sunny days, and the
crackling, cider-like air at sunset conspire to make September my favorite month.

Something about the autumn light makes everything more beautiful.
I really love September. Thanks (I guess) to climate change, September is the new August. With shortening days and the sun hanging lower in the sky, we finally relegate the humid scorch of this past summer to memory. We eat more cheese, and we start braising and roasting meat again. A fresh crop of apples is coming to market and the air is crisp like our local Riesling, and yet corn & tomato season lingers on in the residual and waning warmth. We bring out the rugby shirts and even some wool sweaters, and yet it is still balmy enough some afternoons for Andrea to swim in her mother's pool after work.
But autumn is a season of dramatic change, the tumbling progression from Labor Day to Foliage Season to Thanksgiving and then finally Christmas & New Year's Day. Let us embrace September's summer/autumn duality while we can, and then joyfully welcome the first morning frost, the first trick-or-treater, the first dusting of snow, and then the first Christmas carol on the radio... that order, ideally.
(Notice that we never mentioned football? It really is possible to enjoy autumn without it.)